246. sunburn in March
248. the beach
249. sisters playing in the pool
251. the habit of counting joy
252. God’s covenant
253. sisters who share gift cards
255. a day babysitting my granddaughter
256. school administrators that care for my girl’s hearts
259. christian music
260. lemurs
262. a nephew who serves his country
264. watching home movies with my girls
267. a spa for the kid set
270. strawberry tattoos on the five-year-old
271. the quiet, still, unsettled feeling I get when God’s moving in my life
273. fondue
274. a field of dreams …
Joy is the realest reality, the fullest life,
and joy is always given, never grasped.
God gives gifts and I give thanks and I unwrap the gift given: joy.
~ Ann Voskamp, one thousand gifts, page 57
How are you finding Joy? Are you seeing God in the small details of your life? Dare to join me in the Joy Dare?
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Fantastic list! Beautiful to see that you are finding joy in things that could so easily cause angst. And of course joy in the everyday moments as well.
beautiful list… beautiful picture… beautiful heart.
and why oh why are we not jumping for joy when we feel Him moving our life? i wish i knew :)
Absolutely beautiful – the photo and the list!
A lovely list and beautiful picture. Visiting from Ann’s today :)
I love your list today. The picture is breathtaking.