I received a comment this morning regarding this post. Now. I suppose I could get my undies in a bundle. And get all defensive. And send it off to my friends. And have them support…
Browsing Category random
wppi & random thoughts
Last year when I was just starting out in my photography business, I so badly wanted to attend WPPI {Wedding & Portrait Photographers International}. It ended up falling over one of our already planned vacation…
cup of the day :: thank you!
Remember this!? Well take a look at this!! I just seriously can’t even describe the abundance of feelings that went through me when I saw this! To put it plain and simple … it was…
project 365
{image via itunes} Another new app I love! Project 365. I love it’s premise: Taking a photo a day is a big undertaking with big payoffs. Here are just a few reasons why you should…