How do I even start this? I’ve been praying over my blog. Praying that it’s being used for good. Praying that I’m able to “pen” my experiences, share with and inspire you by them. I’ll…
Browsing Category random
ms & skinny jeans
So here’s the deal. MS and skinny jeans don’t seem to go very well together … at least not for me. My limbs fall alseep super easy these days and when I wear skinny jeans,…
good golly gee!
Imagine my surprise as I’m scrolling through my reader posts and see myself smiling back at me! In all seriousness, I feel humbled by Lindsey’s post. I, once again, feel humbled that God’s given me…
somethin’s a brewing!
I’m so incredibly excited to be working on a new blog design! I loved my old blogspot redesign … just as far as the colors and the visual “interest” going on with it. And while,…
dr. seuss iphone app
This is seriously way too much fun to keep to myself! Have you seen this iPhone app? The girls & I got a bit carried away playing with it! We didn’t even touch the surface…