No, not Wynter and her carryon … Curt’s traveling and Piper had a sleepover at Julia’s house last night, so I invited Wynter to sleep with me. OMGoodness, you would’ve thought it was Christmas! She…
Browsing Category wynter
she made the swim team!!
I was at work, so couldn’t be at the swim team try-outs…here’s an email Curt sent me: They joined the team for the opening exercises and introductions… they wouldn’t talk…too shy.. With Christina swimming along…
transportation unit
It’s that time of year … time for the early schoolers to study the many types transportation we use. {It seriously seems like only months ago that we were doing this field trip with Piper!}…
a budding artist
Wynter drew this for me this morning. She proudly handed it to me and announced this was ME when I was a baby. Now, I’d have to verify with my mom, but I’m pretty sure…