to my tay-tay

I’ve just got home from dropping miss teenager off on her first of school … at her new school.  I. am. just. so proud of her.  I think this tweet from CJ says it all “Way to go tay!… I’m proud that you have been really strong and surefooted with your decision..”

I know I’ve talked about it many times before, but she’s been at the same school with the same friends since she started school in Kindergarten.  So to decide to make this jump … all by herself, not knowing anyone else … was huge for her.

She’s quiet, shy and not the most outgoing in the bunch.  But she was excited for this chance … this fresh start.  And I’m excited for her.

We stopped by Starbucks on our way … me, iced mocha, with whip … tay, vanilla bean, no whip.  She has a highly heightened fear of whip cream.  Whatev, I’ll take her extra! ;)

Then a crazy dance party in the car …

We nervously pull into the parking lot … yes we.  See, I have this uncanny ability to deeply feel any emotion my children are feeling.  That’s my job, though, isn’t it?

Then we nervously walked into school.  Come on, it’s a new school and our freshman year!  First year of high school in a new school.  Of course we’re nervous!

Unfortunately, we missed any open houses and orientations … so there was still a lot of paperwork to be gotten and filled out.  We also needed her schedule and to figure out where her classes were.

We found her first class.  Then she wanted to walk to find a girl we’d just met last night …

See … this could potentially be a logistical nightmare for us … getting Taylor to and from school.  She starts and ends a half hour before our other girls do.  And her school is a half hour away from our home.  I think I’ve come up with a good plan and schedule … one part of the plan involves using a carpool one day a week.

So late last night, we went over to the family’s house to meet and talk with them.  The mother is a teacher at the school and has four children that attend.  In fact, Taylor will have her as a teacher for her yearbook class … so that’s kinda cool.  She was a super easy going and laid back lady.  Another bonus … she has a 14 year old daughter starting 9th grade too.  She was really nice to Taylor and said she’d show her around and introduce her to people.

So Taylor was desperately looking forward to finding her this morning.

I wasn’t sure what Taylor wanted me to do.  The halls were filling up quickly with students and I wasn’t too sure she wanted ol’ mom {ahem, please do not read that as old} hanging around with her!  The guidance counselor showed us to Tay’s first class and we waited in there a bit.  The room was empty.  And Tay decided she wanted to see if we could find Lauren.

“Do you want me to leave, or stay with you?”  I asked.

“Walk the halls with me?”  She answered.

“Oh baby … you just made me the happiest mama in the world”  I replied in my head.

Only thing is … I sort of kept stopping and looking around.  And she’d poke me and tell me to walk, not just stand there.  I’m not sure I did the best job of ‘playin’ it cool’ … but I tried.

We found Lauren.  I said good-bye.  And off I went … just like that.  Left my baby to explore her own adventure … make her own path … write her own story.

I think leaving her this morning was harder on me than it will be to leave the 3 year old on Wednesday.


To my Tay-Tay:

Wow, not sure where these tears are suddenly coming from … but I need to tell you how proud I am of you.  How much I love and admire you.  I know this wasn’t an easy decision.  And I know it’s not an easy feat.  To go into a new school, a new surrounding … the unknown.

But you knew what you wanted and you haven’t wavered.  For that, I’m so proud of you.

I pray Taylor, that you use this opportunity for all that presents itself.  A new beginning for you … a fresh start … take advantage of it and enjoy every minute.

I pray God guides you … I pray you listen.  I pray you stay true to yourself.  I pray you trust yourself.  I pray you believe in yourself and all that you can be.

I want so much for you … but more than that … I want you. to want. so much for yourself.

I love you with all my heart Tay … you’ll forever be my baby.

With love, your {in coolness & dorkiness} mama forever …


  1. Heather August 24, 2009 at 10:43 am

    And now I’m crying!!!! Could you guys have a sweeter, more loving, more beautiful relationship? I think not! I love you both and can’t wait to hear about Taylor’s perfect first day at her new school! I know you’re going to knock them dead Taylor!!!!!

  2. Kris K.L. August 24, 2009 at 12:16 pm

    i usually come home for lunch, catch up on emails… check out some blogs and
    facebook … but today i’ll need to make some extra time to touch up my make up.. sniff sniff… sad and happy all at once… you have done a great job with your first baby and
    she has done a great job as well… i’m proud of both of you !! have a good day tracie.. try not to worry too much… she will be home before you know it with lots to tell you !
    taylor… i hope you have a great school year and everything works out wonderfully for you !! happy first day of school mom and daughter !! : )

  3. Leslie August 24, 2009 at 12:46 pm

    Yeah, I’m glad I wear waterproof mascara. Reading the blogs of my friends has been hazardous to my eye makeup lately!! Tracie, because you’re not only Taylor’s mom, but also friend, confidante and teammate . . . she’s in very good hands!! It’s hard to be all of those things to your child, but you’ve nailed it. Taylor’s a very lucky young woman. I’m positive she’s going to not only thrive, but blossom in her new environment! Can’t wait to hear how well it went today!

  4. cyndi August 24, 2009 at 1:03 pm

    Your words have such a way of provoking emotion in me that I’m tearful right along with you! Quite honestly I feel like I experienced your morning right along with you. I just wish I was there to give you a hug after you dropped Taylor off since I’m fairly sure you needed one.

    I really wish we lived closer because I have a feeling we’d be really good friends.

  5. Amy August 24, 2009 at 1:27 pm

    Oh, my…the tears are running down my face. You are an amazing mother to a fantastic woman.

  6. Cyn August 24, 2009 at 2:32 pm

    What a great day for a fresh start. I’m sure she will thrive in the best way!

  7. Dawn August 17, 2010 at 12:45 pm

    you can probably guess how much i wish this had worked out wonderfully :)


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