2011 word :: intentional

I feel like God has breathed this year’s word into me … and really, for the most part,
it’s also an extension of my word from last year.  I feel like He’s had me on a journey this year …
a journey to be intentional about the things I do … or maybe even more importantly, the things I don’t do.

See my littlest bundle of joy?  She is growing up faster than I want … they all are.  Geesh! Taylor’ll be SIXTEEN this year!  SIXTEEN.  Are you hearing me?  ONE SIX!  And driving.  And working.  And growing.  This weekend, I was watching old movies of Taylor when she was exactly the size of Hunter above.  Even the same haircut.  And yes … so what if my heart is playing tricks on me right now and tears are forming realizing how quickly it all went.

Have I mentioned my oldest will be SIXTEEN this year!?

Sorry … didn’t mean to get all ADD on you there!  So anyway … intentional.  My goal this year is to be intentional.

Intentional in spending time with my Savior :: I’m joining Good Morning Girls with Stef & Amy
Intentional in my parenting :: I’ll share tomorrow what I have up my sleeve
Intentional in homeschooling Taylor :: I’m going to start scheduling time in with her everyday
Intentional in exercise :: honestly not sure how I’m going to stay accountable on this one, but I’m working on it!
Intentional about meal planning :: I’ll be scheduling a time each week to plan out our menu
Intentional about organizing our home :: I’ve already started & will continue to work on each room throughout the year
Intentional about simplifying :: Courtney sent me a note about her new site & mission and I am so ON BOARD!!

On our trip to Israel this past year … God whispered to me “Be still and know that I am God.”  I was trying so hard to hear Him … questioning why He wasn’t talking to me … just busy, busy, busy trying desperately to hear Him.  When out of the blue, and in a quiet moment on the Sea of Galilee, He spoke … “Be still and know that I am God.”  In many ways, I equate this as being intentional … or, stay with me here … proactive.

When I think of being proactive, or intentional … I visualize being organized, in control, on “top of things,” and at peace … or still.

When I think of being reactive, I visualize being out of control, unorganized, hurried, stressed, and very … unstill.

So yeah.  Bottom line … I know without a doubt that God has been preparing me for something big … and although, that “bigness” is yet to come … He’s in the process of prepping me for that journey right.now!

Be still and know that I am God.  Be intentional in the life I’ve laid before you, and you’ll hear Me.


  1. LobotoME January 3, 2011 at 6:31 am

    great intentions for the new year tracie! with the fitness one…i’d suggest finding some form of exercise that you ENJOY doing so it isn’t a chore- yoga, an at home DVD (i love tracy anderson’s workout DVD’s), or walking with a friend a few times a week, etc. Have it be something you look forward to doing and it will become a habit. I know that I am CRANKY when I don’t get my workouts in. So I know I need to make the space for it each day.

    Hope you are all having a wonderful vacation! Best wishes for a happy & HEALTHY new year to my friend…

    xo, J :)

  2. Leslie January 3, 2011 at 8:03 am

    I had pretty much settled on the word “focus” for all of the same reasons you chose “intentional”. :-) I like your word better. Hee!

  3. Jessica Lynette January 3, 2011 at 8:26 am

    Great word! I am excited to hear your plans and ideas for implementing some of these things!
    And so funny… my news post is still in my draft folder, but the image I chose is sooooo similar to this one – just with my son standing!

  4. Amy January 3, 2011 at 8:59 am

    Intentional is the word I am focusing on this year, too. Such a small word, but such a difficult task. I don’t want to to end 2011 with more good intentions. I started journaling on Jan 1st in my MOD Squad Journal. Each day I am going to write a few sentences about what I did with the girls that day. Hopefully on December 31, 2011 it will be filled with memories of our time together. Praying that your year will be filled with opportunities taken and memories made!

  5. Kate January 3, 2011 at 12:30 pm

    Your intentions for 2011 are wonderful! Hope your new year is filled with much joy and love! xoxo

  6. Brigitte Short January 3, 2011 at 4:40 pm

    I’m feeling inspired…

  7. keely aka LKP January 5, 2011 at 5:54 am

    beauty. my word’s unveiling in a matter of hours. not as eloquently as you put yours. but mine’ll surface today. lub u, my friend. :)

  8. Jessica January 9, 2011 at 12:00 pm

    Wow, Tracie, you write beautifully and have left me feeling very inspired! We could all stand to be more intentional :-) I also enjoyed the post above so much. You and the girls chose great verses, I know you will all be richly blessed as you study them and live them out in 2011!

  9. Vidya Sury January 15, 2011 at 12:37 am

    Came over from “Be more with less” and oh, am so glad I am here. I really look forward to “lurking” often! God bless you, Ms. Sweet Sixteen and the three precious!


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