It started back in January like this: 1. A place to find joy amidst my sorrow. And I continued counting. In sorrow. In pain. In happy. In mundane. When I didn’t feel like it. When…
Browsing Category 1000 gifts
the miracle {969-985}
Eucharisteo always precedes the miracle ~ Ann Voskamp, one thousand gifts 969. elf antics 970. new camera love 971. Christmas decorating 972. advent counting 973. birthday celebrating 974. lipstick staying power {it’s the little things}…
without trust, how can we fully believe? {948-968}
Without trust in the good news of Jesus, without trust in the good news of God’s saving work even in this moment, without an active, moment-by-moment trust in the good news of an all-sovereign, all-good…
gratitude is but a way of seeing {799-947}
If the heights of our joy are measured by the depths of our gratitude, and gratitude is but a way of seeing, a spiritual perspective of smallness might offer a vital way of seeing especially…
eucharisteo precedes the miracle {770-798}
And He soothes His own restless child in arms with the whisper, law of the universe that He’s writing deep into this heart; Eucharisteo always precedes the miracle, child. Ann Voskamp, one thousand gifts, page…