The girls get super excited every time they hear the doorbell ring. Unfortunately, it’s usually just a contractor or someone boring like that. Anyway … to get her sisters attention, Hunter will sometimes go outside…
Browsing Category hunter
cake pop {mini} cones
Hunter’s birthday was yesterday … I have a new five year old on my hands and she’s loving every minute! In looking for a school treat for her, I came across these and Hunt was…
snack n’ read :: snowman style
Remember lunch n’ read with Hunter last year? This year it was snack n’ read {so basically reading in the morning with snack, instead of having lunch}. Hunter started counting down the days 2 weeks…
who {or what} are you clinging to?
If you cling to your life, you will lose it; but if you give up your life for me, you will find it. Matthew 10:39 {NLT} I don’t have a photo to post with these…
affirmation :: building up their bank accounts
Do you affirm your children? Do they know their worth and place in your family? Do they know what you love most about them? Join me at the MODsquad today as I share my goal…