Hurray for snow days!! It was a blizzard here yesterday. We had planned to keep the girls home from school for the company’s profit sharing program, and drop them off afterwards for their school holiday program. And I was planning on taking the day off of work so I could go to both programs.
Seems that God took things into his own hands and kept us home for the day with a blizzard outside. I closed the store and school was obviously closed too. The company kept the profit sharing program as scheduled, so only Curt and Odinn {who spoke at it} went.
Odinn made a joke that his sisters couldn’t be there because they were at home waiting for the Jonas Brothers to show up for Christmas {or something like that … I forget … but it was cute}.
I thought it would be fun to document our snow day, so kept the camera handy. I think this blog is turning into my new photo album. I’m horrible at printing photos and doing something with them.
So our morning started out all white Christmasy and blizzardy outside. We were in the nursery showing the girls, when Curt noticed the bird feeders were covered with snow. He went running outside {with no coat or covering} and wiped them off … he started running back to the house, when he suddenly turned around and ran back towards us and nose-dived into the snow and began rolling around. Oh my word! The girls loved it!
Next was snow-with-sprinkles time …
Wynter’s been telling me she wants her hair cut, so while Curt was at the profit sharing program, I cut Wynter’s hair …

It was a nice cozy day … I wish I were a bear and could hibernate all winter. Only I suppose, I’d like to hibernate on a beach somewhere instead. :)
Snow with sprinkles AND a morning movie!! FUN!!