I pray this post finds you all with warm Christmas memories in your hearts! {Should I try my hand at writing greeting cards?} :)
We had a great Christmas, we really did. As always, Skye & Odinn come over early Christmas morning to open presents with us. The girls were up late Christmas eve, so the baby was sleeping in big time and we had to wake her. Even Miss Teenager was up before her!
Everyone loved their gifts. I was especially proud of the shadowbox I worked on for Taylor. Her {early} Christmas present was the Jonas Brothers concert and meeting them. I knew she wasn’t getting much else for Christmas and saved {and took from her} some memorabilia from the concert {our wrist bands, tickets, etc.}. I mounted the memorabilia and some photos into the shadowbox and wrapped it for Christmas. I think at first she thought it was a tad lame, but I think she realized how hard I had worked on it {and how happy I was to give it to her} and she came around to the appreciation side. :)
The little girls got Leapster’s for Christmas and they have been the ultimate hit! Well, those and the praying mantis eggs that Curt got them.
I loved the girls matching jammies so much that we had a jammie day … as we went to my mom’s for lunch and then later to GrandGene’s house for Christmas dinner with Curt’s family. Everyone complimented the outfits and I had fun telling them the girls slept in them the night before {cuz their pj’s and all}.
This morning had us up early packing {yeah, I never got my packing done}, taking baths, retiring the Christmas jammies … and heading to Mexico!
The hotel we’re at is pretty cool. I was uncertain when we got here, as the lobby was a little shady looking … I truly felt horrible for being “spoiled” and even scarier was when Piper asked what our room was going to look like. :(
I asked God for forgiveness and Curt too.
The girls love vacation! The weather is nice, windy and cooler at night, but no snow!

As I mentioned, the Leapster thing … brilliant! The girls played with them for almost the whole 4 plus hour flight!
Gotta love Hunter ham-it-up {in the photo above} with her sad face. She had some major tears in a few of the photos taken before this one. I was snapping away and she stopped. So I asked her to give me her sad face again.
Well, off to bed for us … we’ve been pulling some late nighters and I’ve got some sleep to catch up on! Now I just gotta get Tay off Facebook.
It looks like you all had a fantastic Christmas! I love the pjs!