Things yet to be done, danced in my head.
Quite literally last night’s dreams were all about the projects I have yet to complete before Christmas. Is anyone else freaking out? I’m trying my best to remain calm, while my apparent stresses are playing themselves out in my dreams.
I was awakened by the sound of a screeching coyote at 2:30 am. When I woke, I realized I had just been dreaming about the following project, along with a few other images of what I need to get done rolling around in there.
So sad, but I quite literally thought of this post’s title at 2:30 in the morning … I thought it was clever and glad I remembered it.
Okay, before I get to the photos at hand … I must tell you about these annoying coyotes! Really? At 2:30 in the morning? I woke with a start because I thought it was the baby {and Curt’s out of town, so I couldn’t feign ignorance}.
One coyote starts screeching {is that what they do?}, then I hear another … and slowly I realize I’ve got a couple of coyotes out there gettin’ it on! Yikes! I can not be responsible for the procreation of coyotes … not to mention that they’re not exactly modest about their happenings and I didn’t want them to wake the kids.
So I get up and try opening my sliding door to … what? I’m not quite sure … ask them to keep it down?
Anyway, it’s frozen shut {basically, so are my eyes!}. I didn’t give up … I couldn’t. They seemed to be getting louder.
Ever the spoil-sport, I finally get it open … {realize people, it’s 2:30 in the morning here} … but once it’s open, I’m not quite sure what my intent was. How do you ask coyotes to keep it down? I settle for a quiet shout out the door {for some reason, I thought if I was too loud I’d wake the kids} … and they stopped!
Back to dreamland for me …
Okay, so I was working on teacher gifts last night. For Christmas, I usually give a Barnes & Noble gift card, along with a photo of the girls and some kind of little quote. This year’s quote was:
The best teachers teach
from the heart,
not from the book.
As I’m ‘designing’ {term used very loosely here}, the card and type in the quote and leave some space for the gift card … I suddenly realize the irony of my quote and gift! But it’s late, I’m tired and need to get the project done, so I just go for it …
So here’s Wynter’s …

I love that you got some photos to fit on there…YAY!!
And coyotes?? Where the heck are you living??? Maybe Jack was right about the “moose crossing” sign?? :-)
Wow. Those are beautiful cards. And the story of you with the coyotes…I think that has SNL potential.